Tuesday, December 23, 2008

New Classes Begin Monday January 5th

You read that right!

The return of the highly successful, 28 day fat loss program so many before have used to achieve their dreams.

The program begins on Monday January 5th and runs until Sunday February 1st.

The cost is just $399 and for that you get:

  • a full 28 day meal plan telling you exactly what and how much to eat
  • 24 training sessions designed to carve fat from you in record time
  • assessments and follow-up criteria done weekly
  • a motivational CD to give you the "mental edge"
  • access to me via e-mail to answer your questions

If you're truly serious about dropping that last few pounds of fat from body and getting in great shape for 2009, then this program is just what you're looking for.

Remember, this is NOT a beginners program. If you've got more than 25 pounds to drop, we need to get you on another preemptive program to slim you down first and get you comfortable with complying to a system.

Please email me here with any questions you have.

I'll be in touch.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Last class of the year

That's right! This is your last opportunity to join the highly successful, 28 day fat loss program so many before have used to achieve their dreams.

The program begins on Monday October 27th and runs until Sunday November 23rd.

The cost is just $399 and for that you get:
  • a full 28 day meal plan telling you exactly what and how much to eat
  • 24 training sessions designed to carve fat from you in record time
  • assessments and follow-up criteria done weekly
  • a motivational CD to give you the "mental edge"
  • access to me via e-mail to answer your questions

If you're really serious about dropping that last few pounds of fat from body and getting in great shape, then this program is just what you're looking for.

Remember, this is NOT a beginners program. If you've got more than 25 pounds to drop, we need to get you on another preemptive program to slim you down first and get you used to complying to a system.

Email me here with any questions you have.

I'll be in touch.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New session

The next session of The 28 Day Miracle Fat Loss Program begins Monday September 15th. That means you'll need to meet with me on Saturday, September 13th at Olympic Gym, 8611 N New Braunfels.

This is not a beginners program!

If you have more than 30 pounds to lose, do not waste your time with this program.

However, if you've been training for a while and just can't seem to get off dead-center or out of the plateau stage, this program is for you.

For more details, and to see if you qualify, please send me an e-mail to steve@safatloss.com


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fat Loss Success

Here's a little insight into how my brain works:

Random thought #1

If a man sits in front of a fireplace and screams into it, "Give me heat and then I'll throw in some wood!", do you think he'll ever get warm?

Of course not.

So why is it that people expect success in a fat loss program BEFORE they take action to eradicate the issue?

Being overweight and hoping for change without taking action is like wanting something for nothing. There must be an exchange...a sacrifice.

Success is NOT the result of fat loss; fat loss is the result of success.

Random thought #2

Unlike a current Presidential candidate, most people are very uncomfortable with change. Don't believe me, try altering someone's route to work in the morning, or give them sugar in their coffee instead of milk.
Go ahead, then tell them, "A little change will do you good" and check the response you get.

You may want to duck first. And expect a one finger salute.

Here's what I think: We refuse to spoil the present over concern for the future. But, when the future becomes the present...we are always sorry we didn't exercise our foresight.

Here's the bottom line:

Between Thanksgiving and New Years, some "experts" estimate that the typical American will gain anywhere between 8 and 10 pounds of fat. When 2009 finally rolls around these same folks will join gyms and pay trainers (most of which haven't a clue as to what they're doing) to lose that same 10 pounds...maybe more.

You currently just have over 16 weeks until New Years. You have the power to decide, but once the decision is made you become a slave to that decision.

Why not decide to cut 16 to 35 pounds of fat by then? It's only one to two pounds per week. Even by conservative standards, that's very doable.

You can enjoy the labor day weekend - eat burgers, hot dogs and drink beer and still get started on a solid fat loss program to make HUGE changes by January.

That way, when you hit the New Years party(s), you'll be ten, twenty or thirty pounds leaner.

And assuming the average American will gain 10 pounds by then -- you'll be AT LEAST 20lbs leaner than your friend (you know - that b*tch that always looks good at the parties!).

Start 2009 leaner than you started 2008.

Start a guaranteed AND proven fat loss program like the 28 Day Miracle Fat Loss Program or the Firestorm Fitness Systems Fat Burning Fit Camps.

The next set of sessions begin Monday September 15th. To see if you qualify, just e-mail me here.

If you're REALLY serious about making changes to your physique and losing fat, why not check out San Antonio's premier fat loss expert, Steve Payne, and one of his many guaranteed success programs.

God bless,

Monday, August 25, 2008

The decision for success equals the habit of goals.

I was taking a nap the other day, and as so often happens in my life, while I lay there in bed my mind began to wander. I began to wonder what the difference was in the clientele I trained who realized their desires for fat loss success, and those who, while they had some success, never seemed to have the level they so desperately described to me that they wanted.

I pondered this for a bit and then drifted off to la-la land. When I awoke, the thought still permeated my mind...which lead me to pen this article.

I recently listened to a message by Earl Nightingale in which he presented a very compelling argument for the reason for the success, or failure, of people. It was really simple, as most valuable messages are.

Ready? Here it is:

We become what we think about.

That’s right; we become what we think about most of the time. All of the great philosophers and thinkers held the same belief. The Bible even states, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

What is it that YOU think about?

The question remains, how can a statement so simple bring such overwhelming success or failure to the lives of people like you and I? One word:


That’s right. People with goals enjoy a larger level of overall success than people without them. How do I know?

In the 1950’s a group of researchers decided to track the lives of 100 college graduates for 35 years. They looked at several areas of their lives for data but ultimately settled on one area to determine the overall success rate of these folks: how much money they had made.

According to the research, 5 of the graduates were either financially independent or very wealthy in terms of monetary success. In fact, the top three earners were worth more than the other 97 individuals combined.

When the dust had cleared it was determined that the reason for the success, or failure, of these 100 people was their decision to set goals or not and the habit of following them. You see, people who set goals and look at them daily think about that goal all of the time, and it directs their habits and intentions.

People who don’t? Well...

Imagine a ship in a harbor with a captain at the helm and crew to run it. The captain knows the destination, has plotted the course and instructed the crew what to do. This ship, once the engine has fired up will, with almost 100% certainty, leave the harbor successfully and reach its destination. That is what goal setting and goals are like.

Now, imagine a ship in the same harbor...only this time there is no captain or crew. The engine is fired up, it’s pointed away from the harbor and it’s left to do what will come. I believe you will agree that if the ship even makes it clear of the harbor it will sink or wind up on a beach somewhere, useless and in ruins.

Can you see the similarity between these two ships and some of the people you may know? Some intimately?

Oh, not you of course, but someone on your street.

So how do we ensure that we don’t wind up like ship #2? By setting goals. And not just any old goal...S.M.A.R.T. goals. I won’t go into great detail here because so much has been written on this subject already, so if you want more info then simply Google SMART goals.

S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = Attainable
R = Realistic
T = Timely or Tangible

By setting goals and reviewing them often you put your powerful subconscious mind to work for you around the clock. Once the subconscious mind grasps an idea it will not stop working on it until the idea comes to fruition.

You see, the subconscious mind cannot discern between that which is fact and that which is fiction. So if you state positive, goals in the present tense (ex: I weigh 125 pounds and am a size 3 on January 1st) the subconscious mind will work to bring that goal to reality.

Dax Moy wrote a great article on this exact subject and you can read it here. Here’s the process for establishing a goal in a nut shell:

1. Know what you want.
2. Know why you want it.
3. Know when you want it by.
4. Write it down.
5. Know the price.
6. Pay it.

That’s it, really.

Simply follow this process, read your goals when you awaken in the morning and before you go to sleep at night, and before you know it they will be a reality. Because “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he” isn’t fiction...it’s reality.

If you believe that you're ready to take your fitness and fat loss efforts to the next level, please e-mail me here and let's see if The 28 Day Miracle Fat Loss Program is a good fit for you, or if one of my other programs would serve you better.

God bless you,

Monday, August 4, 2008

Session #3 of The 28 Day Miracle Fat Loss Program

We've just completed the 2nd go around of the Program, and everyone did very well.

Congratulations to all of the folks who participated.

The average number of inches lost during the 28 days was 9 inches!

One participant lost 14.75 inches total! That's awesome!

The next set of classes begins Monday August 11th.

If you're really serious about fat loss and believe this might be the answer you're looking for, just shoot me an e-mail at steve@firestormfitness.com and let's talk about.

As I've stated before, it's not a beginner's program. It's work...and it pays off.

God bless,

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Two points of interest:

1) The NKJV version of the Bible in Proverbs 14:4 states, “Where no oxen are, the trough (stall) is clean; But much increase (productivity) comes by the strength of an ox.”

In the NIV version it states, "Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty, but from the strength of an ox comes an abundant harvest.”

What does this mean and how does it apply to you and I? Quite simply it means that: a) you have work to succeed, and b) you must put up with, and expect to wade through, a little “dung” (i.e. do things you may not like) in order to have a productive life, job, harvest, etc.

Fat loss training, when done properly, is very difficult and intense. If it were easy everyone would be lean and sexy. One of my colleagues says that "fat loss is easy once you realize how hard it is." No one really likes working out, but everyone enjoys having worked out. It's the benefits we're after.

2) Thomas Edison tried 10,000 times to invent the incandescent light bulb. He failed over and over again because he did not remember one of the basic rules of chemistry: where oxygen is present, material is consumed to keep the fire alive.

The reason a light bulb “works” is due to the absence of oxygen. It is able to “maintain” light, and yet not destroy the “material” because no oxygen is present in the bulb. That is why the bulb pops when broken; the oxygen has been vacuumed out.

Have you ever wondered why so many who are overweight, out-of-shape and fat appear the way they do? We need do nothing more than analyze the level of oxygen that they consume to have the answer. If we want to “consume” the material that makes our own fire burn, i.e. body fat, we must make sure that there is an abundance of oxygen present. We must engage in activities that have a significant oxygen demand.

This is the essence of my
Personal Fitness Training System and The 28 Day Miracle Fat Loss Program.

If you're really serious about fat loss, I can help.

Your 28 day program has literally changed my life. That sounds a little melodramatic but I can explain. This is the first diet I have been on where I was not hungry at all, meals were satisfying and tasted reasonably good, were easy to prepare, and I still lost weight. Quite frankly, I could eat like this for the rest of my life (and intend to do so). I also learned how to exercise smarter. I followed the diet plan carefully except for the last week where due to travel I missed some exercise and had some food challenges as well. Nevertheless, I lost 10 pounds, and could have made 15. Thanks a million.
Jeff Judson

You could have these kinds of satifying results as well. What are you waiting for? E-mail me.

God bless,

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

This just in...

Here's what my buddy Jim had to say about the program:


Program outline, personal evaluation of goals and “Before” pictures and measurements;
28 days of guidance, training and support under the close supervision of a NSCA certified personal trainer;
24 one hour personal training sessions in a small group with exercise programs specifically targeted to burn fat while building strength and endurance;
28 day meal plan, specifically tailored to meet my goals, including 5-6 meals per day with detailed lists of ingredients, portions and recipes;
Program summary of results, evaluation of goals obtained and “After” pictures and measurements…..
COST: $399.00

Fitting into jeans I haven’t worn in 3 years;
Losing over ten pounds;
Losing 2-3 inches on my waist;
Losing 2-3 inches around my a--;
Looking better;
Feeling better;
Better health – lower cholesterol and blood pressure;
Exercising again and liking it;

Thanks Steve – your program works.

Thank you Jim.

Would you like similar results? Then e-mail me at steve@firestormfitness.com and let's see if you qualify.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Listen to this...

"This program has been fantastic for me. I haven't felt this good in years! The combination of: a sound food program, the right work outs, and your motivational tips and expertise = SUCCESS. Thank you!!" - Mary Stich

Your 28 day program has literally changed my life. That sounds a little melodramatic but I can explain. This is the first diet I have been on where I was not hungry at all, meals were satisfying and tasted reasonably good, were easy to prepare, and I still lost weight. Quite frankly, I could eat like this for the rest of my life (and intend to do so). I also learned how to exercise smarter. I followed the diet plan carefully except for the last week where due to travel I missed some exercise and had some food challenges as well. Nevertheless, I lost 10 pounds, and could have made 15. Thanks a million." - Jeff Judson

"Hi Steve--
Thank you so much for your patience and encouragement this past month.
I have always felt frustrated and stymied by trendy "diet" information and conflicting opinions on what gets women toned, strong, and healthy. As a society, we girls certainly have a lot of junk to sort through when it comes to our bodies! After literally years of running in circles, I am seeing more results in the last 28 days than I have in months of other heart-felt efforts elsewhere.
Here is the difference for me: trust. I know you are not putting my body, lifestyle, and needs into the same mold as everyone else. And I know that you are constantly educating yourself (and trying to educate ME!) on the science of health and nutrition. I can count on you for safe and sound advice! Most of all, I know that I can trust that you are behind me all the way-- not letting me feel like a klutz when I have one of my (many) awkward moments, not shaming me when I fall off of the eating-plan wagon, and not expecting anything less than great strides from me. THAT is what gets me moving: knowing that those strides are building on one another, and that I am moving in a direction that has the immediate gratification of losing significant inches and pounds, and the lifelong benefit of a strong healthy body and body-image.
Thanks for being a trustworthy and FUN part of that!"
All the best to you,

Would you like to see success like this?

You can, you know. All it takes is consistency and effort. Give me 28 days and I'll give you a new lease on life.

Do we have a deal?


Monday, June 30, 2008


We're digging our graves with a fork and knife.

I have answers, but it requires hard work, dedication, focus, consistency and effort.

If you need more information, please e-mail me at steve@firestormfitness.com.

God bless you,

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Just over a week away...

That's right! Just over a week away from the GREAT UNVEILING, June 30th.

The folks who've been following the program and training have been seeing, and feeling, some HUGE results...and I couldn't be more proud.

One of the participants in the program told me, "Every time I look in the mirror I like what I see more and more."

That's good stuff.

If you think you've got what it takes to be a loser like these folks, e-mail me at steve@firestormfitness.com.

God bless,

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Truth About Fat Loss

By Craig Ballantyne
Last November, I traveled to Mesa, AZ to hear Bill Phillips speak at a seminar. Phillips is the creator of the Body for Life Transformation Challenge. But at the end of the conference, it wasn't Phillips' words that I remembered. Nor was it Richard Branson's, who spoke to us via satellite. Instead, a man named Dave Kekich caught my attention.

Mr. Kekich has written something called "The Kekich Credos" - 100 success secrets that I've been reviewing and then figuring out how to relate them to my clients' fat-loss goals.

For example, here's Kekich Credo #4:
"Real regrets only come from not doing your best. All else is out of your control. You're measured by results only. Trade excuses and 'trying' for results, and expect half-hearted results from half-hearted efforts. Do more than is expected of you. Life's easy when you live it the hard way... and hard if you try to live it the easy way."

Here are my thoughts on how to apply this success secret to a fat-loss program:
  • Who are the ones berating themselves every Monday for not exercising or eating properly over the weekend? The people who did not do their best to exercise and eat right on Saturday and Sunday. Most people fail to control themselves. They trade minutes of pleasure (i.e., fast food) for days, weeks, months, and years of regret.
  • Focus on quality workouts, not quantity. Focus on planning ahead to overcome obstacles, rather than trying to "out-cardio" a bad diet.
  • Always hit a personal best in each workout. This guarantees progress in both fat-burning and muscle-building.
  • Fat loss is easy once you understand how hard it is... and it's hard if you think it is easy.

To make fat loss easy, you must:
1. Plan and prepare your meals in advance.
2. Follow a professionally designed, structured workout routine that is more intense than anything you'd put together for yourself.
3. Get social support from others who have gone through the same trials and tribulations that you face.
Do those three things... and you will succeed.

This is precisely what I advise and what makes the 28 Day Miracle Fat Loss Program such a success. If you're really serious about getting the look, feel and weight you want, e-mail me at steve@firestormfitness.com.

God Bless

This article appears courtesy of Early To Rise, the Internet’s most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit http://www.earlytorise.com.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I'm working with a bunch of losers

Well, it's been 6 days since we started the 28 Day Miracle Fat Loss program and I am happy to report that everyone is less of a person than they used to be.

I haven't been calculating scale weight but rather taking measurements because that is an immediate indicator of success on a fat loss program.

I'm proud to report that on average each individual lost over 3 inches of size from their original measurments.

That's fantastic! And in only six days!

Just think what the next 22 days will hold!

God bless,

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The 28 Day Fat Loss Miracle Update!

The time for action is upon us!

Monday, June 2nd is the day it all starts.

Now is your chance to prove you’re truly serious.

Meet me at Olympic Gym, 8611 N. New Braunfels on Friday evening at 6pm or on Saturday afternoon at 1:30 pm.

These will be the only two sign-up times for classes.

After you’ve paid for the class, you will receive all of your pertinent materials, instructions, have your measurementsand “before” photo taken and begin the
28 Day Fat Loss Miracle process.

Now is the time to take the next step toward a leaner, sexier,healthier summertime physique!

Again, meet me at Olympic Gym, 8611 N. New Braunfels on Friday eveningat 6pm or on Saturday afternoon at 1:30 pm.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns go
here for the details or e-mail me.

See you then,

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The 28 Day Fat Loss Miracle

“When losing just 2 pounds per week simply won’t cut it!”

This program is specifically designed to get you positive, measurable, real world results in a short amount of time...period.

And we're talking faster more lasting results than anything else out there available today. No magic pills, no potions, no goofy, circus act programs. Just solid scientific research based training and meal plans proven to allow you achieve rapid, successful fat loss.

It will require of you three things:
1. 100% compliance to the program.
No deviation, no cheating and no slacking off. It’s 28 days of structure and design that will give you positive, measurable results...but only if you completely and utterly follow the plan.
2. Consistency and effort in everything that you do over the course of the 28 days. (click on the link to read a short article on the subject) I promise that if you will follow-through on everything presented to you over the course of the 28 day program you will be amazed by the progress you make.
3. Believe in yourself. Your mind is either your greatest ally or your worst enemy. Why not put it to good use? As the late Norman Vincent Peale was fond of saying, “Believe and achieve.”

The cost of the 28 Day Fat Loss Miracle is just $399. For it you get meals plans for 28 days. No guessing as to what's for breakfast, lunch or dinner. No trying to decide whether to have chicken or fish (unless you want to). Just follow the plan.

You will also get 24 personally guided and perfectly tuned fat loss training routines guranteed to melt fat from your body in record time. It will be like watching ice cream melt on a July Texas sidewalk.

This program works; there is simply no way that it cannot. I am so confident in it that if you don’t lose a minimum of 15 pounds in 28 days I am offering a complete double your money back guarantee.

Have you ever heard of anyone else putting their money where their mouth is like this?

Of course not.

That’s because other trainers don’t have the confidence in the success of their programs to offer a guarantee like this.

The 28 Day Fat Loss Miracle is only for people who are really serious about seeing rapid success and who are willing to work for it. If you think that you are the type of person who fits that description then e-mail me
here for the complete details.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Lose at Least 15 Pounds in 28 Days...

or Receive Double your Money Back!

Yes, you read that correctly. With this program you will lose a minimum of 15 pounds in the next 28 days or I will personally give you 2 times your money back.

I'm so confident that this program works that I easily feel confident in making such a bold claim as this. And why? Because I have proof:

"I just wanted to tell you thanks for all your advice! I never thought I could ever get to where I am at and I have your advice to thank for it. Anytime I had a question, you were always there to help out. I have lost 52 lbs in under 4 months and feel like a new person. Started at 224 finished at 172!" - Brian Walsh, San Antonio

This program works, and works FAST!

If you're serious, I mean REALLY serious, about finally starting a fat loss program that finally delivers on its promises, then the 28 Day Fat Loss Miracle is for you.

What is the program?

The 28 Day Fat Loss Miracle takes out all of the "guess work" and does everything for you. It's 24 training sessions specifically designed to maximize your body's fat loss mechanisms and capabilities. Every resistance training session, every cardio session...everything.

It is also 28 days of delicious meals laid out and specifically designed for laser focused and turbo-charged fat loss. These meals are also targeted for each individual. Man or woman, we have a meal plan designed for you. No matter your current weight, we have a program for YOU.

If you were to price this out individually (24 training sessions @ $40 per session and a customized nutrition plan) you could easily pay $1600. But the cost for this 28 Day Fat Loss Miracle program is just $399.

The training is done in a small group format and meets six days a week for four weeks. All you will need is a towel, water to drink and the desire to work hard towards a worthy goal.

For complete information and the details, as well as to see if you qualify, just email me, Steve Payne, here.