Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fat Loss Success

Here's a little insight into how my brain works:

Random thought #1

If a man sits in front of a fireplace and screams into it, "Give me heat and then I'll throw in some wood!", do you think he'll ever get warm?

Of course not.

So why is it that people expect success in a fat loss program BEFORE they take action to eradicate the issue?

Being overweight and hoping for change without taking action is like wanting something for nothing. There must be an exchange...a sacrifice.

Success is NOT the result of fat loss; fat loss is the result of success.

Random thought #2

Unlike a current Presidential candidate, most people are very uncomfortable with change. Don't believe me, try altering someone's route to work in the morning, or give them sugar in their coffee instead of milk.
Go ahead, then tell them, "A little change will do you good" and check the response you get.

You may want to duck first. And expect a one finger salute.

Here's what I think: We refuse to spoil the present over concern for the future. But, when the future becomes the present...we are always sorry we didn't exercise our foresight.

Here's the bottom line:

Between Thanksgiving and New Years, some "experts" estimate that the typical American will gain anywhere between 8 and 10 pounds of fat. When 2009 finally rolls around these same folks will join gyms and pay trainers (most of which haven't a clue as to what they're doing) to lose that same 10 pounds...maybe more.

You currently just have over 16 weeks until New Years. You have the power to decide, but once the decision is made you become a slave to that decision.

Why not decide to cut 16 to 35 pounds of fat by then? It's only one to two pounds per week. Even by conservative standards, that's very doable.

You can enjoy the labor day weekend - eat burgers, hot dogs and drink beer and still get started on a solid fat loss program to make HUGE changes by January.

That way, when you hit the New Years party(s), you'll be ten, twenty or thirty pounds leaner.

And assuming the average American will gain 10 pounds by then -- you'll be AT LEAST 20lbs leaner than your friend (you know - that b*tch that always looks good at the parties!).

Start 2009 leaner than you started 2008.

Start a guaranteed AND proven fat loss program like the 28 Day Miracle Fat Loss Program or the Firestorm Fitness Systems Fat Burning Fit Camps.

The next set of sessions begin Monday September 15th. To see if you qualify, just e-mail me here.

If you're REALLY serious about making changes to your physique and losing fat, why not check out San Antonio's premier fat loss expert, Steve Payne, and one of his many guaranteed success programs.

God bless,

Monday, August 25, 2008

The decision for success equals the habit of goals.

I was taking a nap the other day, and as so often happens in my life, while I lay there in bed my mind began to wander. I began to wonder what the difference was in the clientele I trained who realized their desires for fat loss success, and those who, while they had some success, never seemed to have the level they so desperately described to me that they wanted.

I pondered this for a bit and then drifted off to la-la land. When I awoke, the thought still permeated my mind...which lead me to pen this article.

I recently listened to a message by Earl Nightingale in which he presented a very compelling argument for the reason for the success, or failure, of people. It was really simple, as most valuable messages are.

Ready? Here it is:

We become what we think about.

That’s right; we become what we think about most of the time. All of the great philosophers and thinkers held the same belief. The Bible even states, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

What is it that YOU think about?

The question remains, how can a statement so simple bring such overwhelming success or failure to the lives of people like you and I? One word:


That’s right. People with goals enjoy a larger level of overall success than people without them. How do I know?

In the 1950’s a group of researchers decided to track the lives of 100 college graduates for 35 years. They looked at several areas of their lives for data but ultimately settled on one area to determine the overall success rate of these folks: how much money they had made.

According to the research, 5 of the graduates were either financially independent or very wealthy in terms of monetary success. In fact, the top three earners were worth more than the other 97 individuals combined.

When the dust had cleared it was determined that the reason for the success, or failure, of these 100 people was their decision to set goals or not and the habit of following them. You see, people who set goals and look at them daily think about that goal all of the time, and it directs their habits and intentions.

People who don’t? Well...

Imagine a ship in a harbor with a captain at the helm and crew to run it. The captain knows the destination, has plotted the course and instructed the crew what to do. This ship, once the engine has fired up will, with almost 100% certainty, leave the harbor successfully and reach its destination. That is what goal setting and goals are like.

Now, imagine a ship in the same harbor...only this time there is no captain or crew. The engine is fired up, it’s pointed away from the harbor and it’s left to do what will come. I believe you will agree that if the ship even makes it clear of the harbor it will sink or wind up on a beach somewhere, useless and in ruins.

Can you see the similarity between these two ships and some of the people you may know? Some intimately?

Oh, not you of course, but someone on your street.

So how do we ensure that we don’t wind up like ship #2? By setting goals. And not just any old goal...S.M.A.R.T. goals. I won’t go into great detail here because so much has been written on this subject already, so if you want more info then simply Google SMART goals.

S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = Attainable
R = Realistic
T = Timely or Tangible

By setting goals and reviewing them often you put your powerful subconscious mind to work for you around the clock. Once the subconscious mind grasps an idea it will not stop working on it until the idea comes to fruition.

You see, the subconscious mind cannot discern between that which is fact and that which is fiction. So if you state positive, goals in the present tense (ex: I weigh 125 pounds and am a size 3 on January 1st) the subconscious mind will work to bring that goal to reality.

Dax Moy wrote a great article on this exact subject and you can read it here. Here’s the process for establishing a goal in a nut shell:

1. Know what you want.
2. Know why you want it.
3. Know when you want it by.
4. Write it down.
5. Know the price.
6. Pay it.

That’s it, really.

Simply follow this process, read your goals when you awaken in the morning and before you go to sleep at night, and before you know it they will be a reality. Because “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he” isn’t’s reality.

If you believe that you're ready to take your fitness and fat loss efforts to the next level, please e-mail me here and let's see if The 28 Day Miracle Fat Loss Program is a good fit for you, or if one of my other programs would serve you better.

God bless you,

Monday, August 4, 2008

Session #3 of The 28 Day Miracle Fat Loss Program

We've just completed the 2nd go around of the Program, and everyone did very well.

Congratulations to all of the folks who participated.

The average number of inches lost during the 28 days was 9 inches!

One participant lost 14.75 inches total! That's awesome!

The next set of classes begins Monday August 11th.

If you're really serious about fat loss and believe this might be the answer you're looking for, just shoot me an e-mail at and let's talk about.

As I've stated before, it's not a beginner's program. It's work...and it pays off.

God bless,